Monday 15 June 2015

Bradshaw Brook Fly Fishers 15 Jun 15

Yesterday we had a club work party trying to pull the Himalayan Balsam from the banks of the brook, quite a lot was done but it's hard work and to be honest never ending. I think it needs to be strimmed and mowed, decided to bring it up at the meeting.

Today we had the meeting in the Bradshaw Cricket Club bar at 2000 hrs, but I managed to get a couple of hours fishing the brook before the meeting.

The brook is not looking very healthy, it's mucky brown, for what reason I do not understand. OK we have not had much rain but our water comes from the Jumbles reservoir and the flow is guaranteed by agreement, so we should be getting clearish water. Anyway it doesn't seem to be bothering the fish to much as I caught a few.
 This was the first and as it turned out the best one.

 Blue Winged Olive strikes again.

 and again.
 This fly was one that one of the members gave me yesterday on the work party.
         Back to an olive for this one.

After fishing went to the cricket club for the meeting and got myself a pint Bank Top beer and listened to the meeting, turned out to be not to much of a meeting except for talking to some of the members about general fish, and another pint of Bank Top.  I did bring up the question of whether we should buy or rent a mower and a strimmer, but the problem of "Health and Safety" put a stop to that.

Never mind the beer and the chat was OK.


  1. Would be interested in joining The Bradshaw Brook Fly Fishers if anyone could give me any information or contact details.

    1. Sorry but the club is full with a long waiting list
      It is only £20 a year so nobody leaves except RIP.

  2. The private streach finishes about 300 yards ABOVE the the foot bridge and large weir in Longsight Park.
