Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Bradshaw Brook Fly Fishers Beat 29 Aug 17

I fished the bottom beat yesterday and had more fish than today when I fished just the top of the top section. The fish today were of a much better quality and did not take as long to catch.

As well as catching a couple of good fish, for the brook that is, I lost 2 others by trying to net them too quickly. 
The first  good one took quite some time to net as it managed to get in tree roots more than once and was hooked in the back of the trout and took a little time to get back in the water. Which meant I had to keep it upright until it recovered, which it did thank goodness. So I was trying get the next fish into the net as quick as possible, the result we all know, live and learn.
  This one from yesterday, only photographed to show the fingerprints which indicate that fish is in it's first year of life.

Today's first fish is a bit different
No fingerprints and quite a bit bigger.

I had not noticed the fingerprints or known what they indicated until I was fishing with Dave Bendle a couple of days ago when he showed me them and told me what they were.

Dave has a Blog which is well worth a read, link below.

   This was the other decent fish just 12 inches.

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